Unravel: The Realism in “The World is an Apple” of Alberto S. Florentino
By Ysa Pagud - March 09, 2024
The Subjectivity of Upbringings in Education: Review on Tara Westover's Memoir, Educated
By Ysa Pagud - March 09, 2024
According to Tara Westover, “I am only seven, but I understand that it is this fact, more
than any other, that makes my family different: we don’t go to school,”. She recounts the narrative
of the occasions of her life from a vantage point in her late twenties, in which she adds a lot of
remarks on the most common way of attempting to show up at an exact adaptation of the past.
There was once a man who fell in love with the sky. There is a big, big world hidden in a planet, no light, no shimmer, no glistening giver – above is just a black blanket.