Sail ahoy! said the captain, looking to a girl inside another small vessel.
She praised the man with delight and sincerity across their staresー as though there were no ocean between them, “The rough seas had made you skillful, seeing you this passionate…”
I wouldn’t have been if it weren’t for you too
“…it makes me feel seaside blithe, but my captain, It is always not me…”
Why? What’s wrong? It makes you feel glad butー
“…it also makes me blue, because it will not always be because of me…”
Is there something keeping youー
Changing the topic, the girl stopped him, “The softness of the waters had molded you into a man with a sea of desires, my captain…”
Wandering upon the edge of his vessel, he muttered, I don’t get you, hey, wait up!
“…but the sea chose to drift our two hearts too…”
We can fight the waves, you know, as though he was pleasing to delay his death
But the girl faced her with water streaming down her cheeks, and the waves and wind blew them apart,
“…even if we try to sail back to each other, it’s written: our destiny drifting on our own”