
Unravel: The Realism in “The World is an Apple” of Alberto S. Florentino

By Ysa Pagud - March 09, 2024

When life suddenly throws the family of Gloria and Mario lemons, they didn’t make a lemonade. A phase of adversity brought a household into a struggling lifestyle, where money meets no hands especially with Mario’s career status.

In lieu of learning how to make a lemonade, where the knowledge would hold the family more chances to be able to make sales, he resorted on a shortcut. He believed that learning would only prolong an agony, rather he chose to steal ones. This is the gist of the entire short narrative of Alberto Florentino.

The realism we are yet to be scared of tackling, because ideally, life is not painful which we could easily steer from because we are entitled with such privileges. How do we even deal the encounters in our objective reality, if that reality is burdensome? In here, we unravel various metaphors, realities– of marriage, family, decisions far beyond privileges– and scenarios that depict the greater good.

According to the Britannica dictionary, the word “family” is defined as a group of individuals which constitutes a bond or unison of marriage, or blood. A subjective perception upon family regards as to being more than just a bond but an unlimited access to respect, love, selflessness. If Mario established a family off of lies, deception, and lack of better judgement to significant matters affecting other people’s lives– would it still be called a family?

In Florentino’s dialogue, Gloria was to seek for money for their daughter’s food which continued to a whole different pool of reasons jumping from each throw of lines. From the drunk card, to playing mistress, until the revelation of his career opportunity. Out of all the reasons Mario threw on Gloria, she doubted the first two but immediately believed the latter.

In which, it was supported by how Gloria muttered, “Have your sinful fingers brought you trouble again?”.

From such accusation, Mario unveiled how a simple larceny of an apple can lead to his unemployment.

Despite the agreeable argument regarding the “no giving of another chance” moment, sometimes we cannot just wish chances off of minimal wrongdoings and how we can always justify it by how small it is and how it won’t affect a greater good.

In light of discussion regarding the phrase, “Small things make big differences,” it is perceived as a compilation of small thefts all throughout the entire universe can form a whole new asteroid. The moment we steal something, regardless of our reasons, it is morally wrong. Upon continuously reading, the short story relays also how even the tiniest mistake we make– it changes the entire narrative and it breaks a holistic glass. The real word is cruel enough to a point where even if we present how we were done wrongfully, it won’t justify the small poor deed we executed. Moving forward, Mario lifted the situation up by muttering how a new job awaits him as a night watchman.

The plot of this literary work is a good portrayal of the Filipino community of families or the better whole of society. Despite the goodness of its content, the way it was written was poor enough that you’d be able to finish off a 14-page literary work in 5 minutes or less.

On the other hand, the way Florentino managed to flip through a short story with a plot twist not needing to directly word out what was happening was an excellent style. At the appearance of Pablo’s dialogue, one might conclude how shallow Gloria should be due to the reason of her hatred sprouting only for the ground that Pablo was standing in front of their home, trying to allure Mario into some vices.

Alongside, you might also perceive how bad his energy provides because society’s stereotype with individuals who smoke are evil; hence understanding Gloria’s stand at some point. If by heartbeat you’d let your emotion get ahead of you, you wouldn’t notice how Gloria’s hatred hastily turns into a disappointment masked with hatred towards her husband.

By then you’d be able to identify how great Mario is with bluffing, because the whole dialogue of having a new job was hidden with a boiling poor deed. You’d be able to fit how a night watchman meant watching Pablo stealing some goods, providing a déjà vu moment for our character Mario.

The similarities of the common good to this short story is imparting short term pragmatic decisions in ending hastily with passion– the unending circumstances. In which from most of perceptions, pragmatic decisions mean immediate actions and solutions.

A great literary piece aid in analyzing a lot of school of thoughts, “The World is an Apple” would provide you that.

Moreover, it depicts how poorly portrayed marriage is in this lifetime due to the fact that a lot continuously settle into the hope that one day the person you’re with would change instead of basing off marriage decisions out of patterns.

Sometimes we want to stay for people who fight their own vices, only to tell ourselves in the end at least I stayed hopeful for the two of us.



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