There was Once A Man Who Fell In Love With The Sky

By Ysa Pagud - August 11, 2020

There was once a man who fell in love with the sky. There is a big, big world hidden in a planet, no light, no shimmer, no glistening giver – above is just a black blanket

He looks up above to glance for the first time a canvas they call, it is blank, it is dull, and it is unnoticeable. The other day, he started strolling down to the beach. The sound beautifies the mood, the smell became a scented candle he sniffs off downtown shops– but amidst the beauty, there was no image. There was only the hymn, and smell of the ocean. He looked up above, glancing for the second time a canvas they call, it is blank, it is dull, and it makes all beautiful things unnoticeable of its beauty.

On the third day, he knew he wanted to paint. When he woke up, there are bunches of strokes he added onto his canvas. When he walked, there are other forms of lines his foot had created– there are shadows, then there are highlights. He paints not with his brush, nor his acrylics, he paints with passion, feeling, and affection. He paints with his deepest desire to create an art that no other man can compensate. He creates a mold that only he can preserve. Colored with some pastel blues, splashed with whites with depths to make it look like a cotton.

There was a big world hidden in a planet, no light, no shimmer, no glistening giver – but beneath the time of all that’s holy, there was a man who once fell in love. For may love commits a plethora of change, a plethora of magic, his painting he calls as Sky– bloomed out into a human.

How alluring it is to look up above and see a live abstract painting? Little did we know it is a work of art, an abstract that does drastic changes overnight? Curved with cotton, rayed with the sunlight– a masterpiece of a man named Land.

“Ours is a story not often told, it isn’t all about the tales from the books they’ve read… but if ours were a book and you wouldn’t be landing on to me at the last chapter of it, I would tore all the pages until the last page would be just you and me.” muttered Land, reaching for her hands.”



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